17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #9

Well, you're about halfway through the book of 1 Thessalonians. How are you doing? Have you been able to keep up with the lessons? And more importantly, is the Word of God doing it's work on your heart? Are you thinking more about the Scriptures and actively applying them? 

Click on the picture below to print out this week's lesson. 

17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #8

In this week's lesson you'll be tackling the overview of Chapter 3. These lessons are invaluable in studying the overall book. Take the time to think and review what God has for you in this chapter. 

Click on the picture below where a new page will open up with a link to this week's lesson. You can download it to your computer or print it out and get started! 

17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #4

This lesson is so much fun! We'll look at being an example like the Thessalonians and examine the transforming power of God's Word. Don't miss out doing this lesson! Just click on the picture below to download or print out this lesson. 

17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #2

The primary goal of this week's lesson is observation. It's amazing how this simple Bible study skill can yield such great results. Taking the time to "observe" the chapter and really see it's structure and contents helps us handle God's Word accurately. It builds a reverence for the Scriptures and gives us confidence as we study. I hope you'll grow to love this process as much as I do! Prayerfully seek the Lord's help as you do!

17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #1

Every book of the Bible turns out to be our favorite when we dig into God's Word. The first letter to the Thessalonians is no exception. This church was near and dear to Paul's heart and it comes through in every verse. He loved these dear believers! Learn how to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord the way the Thessalonians did. Ask the Lord to help you faithfully complete the whole series. Maybe encourage a friend to do the studies with you.

Click on the picture to download or print out your first lesson in this series.

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #17

One of the more well-known verses from this chapter is 2 Corinthians 13:5 where we urged to "examine ourselves." This is always a crucial component in any believer's life, yet it holds pertinent value as we come to this last lesson in this particular study. Examine yourself. How have you been changed, challenged, convicted, or comforted in this study? I'd love to know! Please email and share what the Lord has taught you! 

Be sure to check back here next week as I'll have a new study ready and waiting for you! God's richest blessings to you! For now, click on the picture to download or print out this lesson.

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #16

Are you content with the difficulties in your life? Can you say, like Paul, that you are well content with weaknesses, insults, and distresses? Paul reveals how we can gain godly contentment--even if the circumstances in our lives remain the same. If you want to hear more on this subject, check out my retreat series on "Unmet Expectations" where I deal with this subject in-depth!

Click on the picture to download or print out this lesson! How are you doing? Only one more lesson in this series, yet there's more lessons ready for you in a new book of the Bible!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #15

It's never fun to defend yourself, and Paul isn't thrilled about having to do so, but he moves ahead for the good of the Corinthian church. Paul provides us with a great example of speaking truthfully when attacked, yet doing so without boasting. We'll also learn about Paul's most embarrassing moment. 

Click on the picture to download or print out this week's lesson. Grab a friend and dive into God's Word together!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #13

Nothing reveals our heart faster than the subject of giving. Our attitudes toward giving and our motivations behind our giving reveal so much about what we believe about the Lord, how we feel about His church, and how we can practically love others. The Lord is ready to meet with you today in His Word. Click on the picture and get started!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #12

There's so much application in this lesson! Paul incisively deals with the issues of true repentance and the need for reconciliation. Take some time right now to ask the Lord to deal with any issues in your own heart you may need to repent of. Consider too that you might need to make things right with someone and go to them today. 

Click on the picture to quickly download the lesson or simply print it out. If you're enjoying these lessons, tell a friend or "share" it by clicking on the share button at the end of this post. Thanks!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #11

"For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that One died for all therefore all died, and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who rose and died on their behalf." This week's lesson contains my life verse, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. Read the chapter carefully, noting the transitions, and how Paul relates each new concept to what he has already discussed. Blessed thoughts are contained here!

Click on the picture to get started on this week's lesson. You'll be able to easily download the lesson to your computer or simply print it out right away. God bless you as you work through these verses!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #10

Our thoughts are drawn upward as Paul explains how the hope of heaven motivates his earthly ministry. We'll also learn about the judgment seat of Christ and what that means for believers. You won't want to miss this lesson! 

Click on the picture to download or directly print out this lesson. So glad you're spending time with the Lord in His Word! What are you learning?