“Study hard, for the well [of God’s Word] is deep, and our brains shallow.”
“Philip was a searcher after Christ in the place where Christ loves to be—in the pages of Scripture—and you must be the same if you desire to find Jesus!”
Weekly Bible Study
Each Monday morning I'll be posting a new Bible study for you to print out and use.
Though I try to edit my lessons carefully, things still slip by me. If you notice misspellings, punctuation errors, wrong verse references, or just have trouble with an awkwardly phrased question, please email me to let me know. I appreciate your help--and need it! Just click on the button below. Thanks so much!
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17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #17
/One of the more well-known verses from this chapter is 2 Corinthians 13:5 where we urged to "examine ourselves." This is always a crucial component in any believer's life, yet it holds pertinent value as we come to this last lesson in this particular study. Examine yourself. How have you been changed, challenged, convicted, or comforted in this study? I'd love to know! Please email and share what the Lord has taught you!
Be sure to check back here next week as I'll have a new study ready and waiting for you! God's richest blessings to you! For now, click on the picture to download or print out this lesson.