“There are treasures upon the surface of the Word which we may pick up very readily: even the casual reader will find himself able to understand the simplicities and elements of the gospel of God; but the Word of God yields most to the digger. He that can study hard, and press into the inner meaning—he is the man that shall be enriched with riches current in heavenly places.”
Scripture Paths Old Testament Bible Studies
As a young mom with a brand new little one, I needed the routine and discipline of writing and teaching a Bible study to keep me in the Word. Learning to study well and handle the Scriptures accurately spurred me on to train other women how to study God's Word too. Year after year since those early baby years, I've written or rewritten a study on a book of the Bible. Every study has been life-changing. There's nothing quite like interacting with the Scriptures and digging in to find God's treasures!
Within every Scripture Paths Bible study, I try to tailor my questions so you too have the joy of discovery--the same joy I had when I was putting the study together. These studies aren't difficult, though you'll find your mind engaged and your heart challenged as you interact with God's Word. It's amazing to consider that God makes His Word accessible to His children. And as Charles Spurgeon says above, "There are treasures upon the surface of the Word" and there are treasures to be mined by digging into the Scriptures. I want to teach you, encourage you, and help you dig more deeply into the Bible so your life will never be the same. It's the Word of God that changes us, building in us a greater understanding of God's character, His Ways, and His will for us. And that conviction is what keeps me going back to the Word of God—I don't want to stay the same! No believer does. We want to grow and change more into the image of Christ, and studying the Bible is one of the means God uses to effect that change.
Just click on any of the images below to get started!
Jump into any of these mini psalms studies at any point! You don’t need to start with Psalm 1 and work sequentially, so if it works for you to begin in a different section, then please do so! The goal is for you to establish the habit of daily time with the Lord, increase your hunger for studying God’s Word, and grow in your love for our good and glorious God.
Jump into any of these mini psalms studies at any point! You don’t need to start with Psalm 1 and work sequentially, so if it works for you to begin in a different section, then please do so! The goal is for you to establish the habit of daily time with the Lord, increase your hunger for studying God’s Word, and grow in your love for our good and glorious God.
Jump into any of these mini psalms studies at any point! You don’t need to start with Psalm 1 and work sequentially, so if it works for you to begin in a different section, then please do so! The goal is for you to establish the habit of daily time with the Lord, increase your hunger for studying God’s Word, and grow in your love for our good and glorious God.
Try this study if you're new to doing Bible studies, have never done an inductive Bible study, or want to spend some time in the Psalms! This is the fourth installment in the mini psalms studies.
With a psalm per day format, you can embark on a journey of discovery in Psalms 61-89. Whether you're leading a group or doing this study by yourself, use this helpful study to gain a deeper appreciation for a great God! Just click on the button or the picture to get started!
You don’t have to start with Psalm 1 in these mini studies. You can start in any of the sections. The point is to be in the Word and enjoy your time with the Lord. Jump into the sections that contain psalms you want to study!
Try this study if you're new to doing Bible studies, have never done an inductive Bible study, or simply want to spend some time in the Psalms! These mini studies are designed to keep you in the Word by building daily habits studying the Bible and by helping you grow in your Bible study skills of observation, interpretation, and application.
Try this study if you're new to doing Bible studies, have never done an inductive Bible study, or want to spend some time in the Psalms! With a psalm per day format, you can embark on a journey of discovery in Psalms 1-30.
These mini studies are designed to keep you in the Word by building daily habits studying the Bible and by helping you grow in your Bible study skills of observation, interpretation, and application.
Whether you're leading a group or doing this study by yourself, use this helpful study to gain a deeper appreciation for a great God!
Exodus is a story about leaving an old life and entering into a new one. In it the nation of Israel learns how to walk well with their holy, delivering, providing God. The Israelites’ haven’t yet arrived in the Promised Land; they haven’t even made it through to the end of the 40 years in the wilderness. Exodus is a story of preparation as God teaches and trains them for the days ahead. That same God is at work in your life—in your transitions, in your relationship with Him, as you navigate an incomplete story trusting the One who leads you.
Deuteronomy is the clarion call of God to His children to live obediently before Him. The book reminds us that we must choose to do things God’s way, not our own. Each moment of every day brings us to that crossroads of decision. Am I willing to obey God? Do I yearn to please God by obeying His word? Is my heart wholly devoted to Him?
The book of Joshua holds so many treasures for us! Joshua himself is an incredible example of faithfulness to the Lord and his calling. This book compels us to consider how we are living and the way in which we obey the Lord. If you want to dip your toes into studying the Old Testament, try Joshua!
There's much to be gleaned in the book of Judges. Studying this book will remind you once again of God's patience with man's sin. Don't miss out gleaning from this 5 lesson, 23 page study in the book of Judges!
This 6 week, 17 page study on the book of Ruth will leave you feeling refreshed and encouraged by God's faithful care for His children, especially for those who feel vulnerable and unprotected.
Try this study if you're new to doing Bible studies, have never done an inductive Bible study, or want to spend some time in the Psalms! I wrote this study to help ladies stay faithful to spend time in the Word during the long Christmas break. Whether you're leading a group or doing this study by yourself, use this 4 lesson, 5 page study to gain a deeper appreciation for a great God!
This short study is just the ticket if you're hurting and need to be reminded of God's faithfulness and compassion in dealing with His children. May God's Word minister to and strengthen your soul.