About Scripture Paths
I love God's Word, don't you? I love studying it, teaching it, talking about it, and meditating on it—not just as an end in itself, but because it gives me a better understanding of God, His ways, and His wondrous love. We change when we know and understand those truths. We change when we gain an accurate picture of God and our dear Savior, Jesus Christ.
That's why I want to keep pointing you back to the Bible here at Scripture Paths. The Word of God has power to change our lives. In fact, it is the primary means of saving and growing us in godliness (John 17:17-19; 1 Thessalonians 2:13;1 Peter 1:23). Oh my! How I love that thought! And I know this, if you love the Lord Jesus Christ, and have placed all your hope in Him for salvation, then you love those truths too. Without even knowing much about you, I know you desire to spend time with the Lord in His Word because believers love the Scriptures. I know you want to honor Him daily and give Him glory with your life because believers live to please God. I know you want be different and live different, so the world will wonder at that difference and you can tell them about your great Savior, Jesus.
Yet, life is busy, trials come upon us, sin entangles us; we need help and hope. At least I do, and I don't think I'm that much different than anyone else. Thankfully, the help and hope we long for comes from the Scriptures. That’s why my goal for myself—and for you—is to open up God’s Word with you, so we can be strengthened and changed as we look at, study, and think on the truths found in the Bible.
If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, start reading the Bible, if you haven't begun doing so, for it’s God’s Word that teaches us how to be saved. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to your sin and your need for the salvation, which can only come through Jesus Christ. The Lord will take away the burden of your sin and hopelessness and will replace it with Jesus' perfect righteousness. He will help you grow more and more in wisdom and understanding in His ways—just ask Him. The Lord always answers the prayers of those who seek Him!
Here’s what you can expect from Scripture Paths and my materials:
I will always direct you to the Word of God because it’s in the Scriptures that we grow, change, and come to know the Lord better.
I will encourage you to grow in your skill in studying God’s Word. Your growth in Christ is directly linked to your continued growth in the Scriptures. Learning to study the Bible is crucial to a steadfast faith.
My doctrinal and theological moorings are set, which can be a comfort for you the reader. I’m not interested in following the latest trends of Christian culture or the “new things” that sweep through theology. God’s Word is my anchor and because the Word doesn’t change, then I will continue to do as I've always done—teach from the Scriptures.
By God’s grace, I want to produce consistent, quality materials that lead you to God’s Word and the Lord Himself. I continue to get training and hone my Bible study skills, so I can be more effective in writing and teaching.
And I want to help you find the joy of studying God’s Word so you know Him better!
So, let's dig into the Word together and glean the treasures He has hidden there!
“Those who love their Maker delight in his handiworks, they perceive that there is more in them than appears upon the surface, and therefore they bend their minds to study and understand them. The devout naturalist ransacks nature, the earnest student of history pries into hidden facts and dark stories, and the man of God digs into the mines of Scripture, and hoards up each grain of its golden truth. God’s works are worthy of our researches, they yield us instruction and pleasure wonderfully blended, and they grow upon, appearing to be far greater, after investigation than before. ”