“Study hard, for the well [of God’s Word] is deep, and our brains shallow.”
“Philip was a searcher after Christ in the place where Christ loves to be—in the pages of Scripture—and you must be the same if you desire to find Jesus!”
Scripture Paths New Testament Bible Studies
These Bible studies are here for you to use! Please feel free to print out or download them for your own quiet times, Bible study at church, or one on one discipleship. If you are strengthened and encouraged in your study of God’s Word, please tell others about the resources here or even give toward this online ministry. Any contributions go toward helping me maintain this website and keeping me up to date with resources or training.
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John writes to his dear friend, Gaius, commending him for his faithfulness in walking in the truth. And just as close friends do, John shares his concerns, intentions, and blessings with Gaius. This little letter, like John’s other epistles, contains practical riches and deep treasures for our souls.
Though only one short chapter, the book of 2 John powerfully aids us in living with wisdom and grace. Treat yourself by spending 4 weeks studying John's letter to "the chosen lady and her children." Don’t discount this little book! You will find your heart strengthened by the simplicity and clarity of John’s words to his dear friends.
This is such an encouraging book! John wants us to understand God better and understand how we can know Him better. We learn that God wants us to know how we can give Him glory with our lives! The message is so simple really. There are no secrets. And it is all undergirded by God’s deep love for us—He is our Father, and we are His children.
Paul’s zeal for the Lord Jesus is infectious! You won’t be the same after studying this letter to the church at Philippi. Throughout the letter we see Jesus is the purpose and reason for all we do in life. The other themes in this compelling book line up behind the grand message that a life lived for Jesus is worth living!
I actually cried when I completed the last lesson in this study. It’s so sad to finish up a study that is so life changing and soul strengthening. Don’t miss out on this 17 week journey! Get together with friends and dive deep into God’s Word!
Talk about a relevant book to study! I don't think most people think of 1 Corinthians as the book to study when it comes to learning how to live as a follower of Jesus today. This book is packed full of practical, life-changing, heart-challenging, relevant-for-today biblical truth.
Picking up where we left off in our study of 1 Corinthians Part 1, Part 2 promises to challenge and enrich our walks with the Lord. We'll be dealing with the "tough" subjects of spiritual gifts, speaking in tongues, women leading in church, the events of the Rapture, and more! If you've stayed away from parts of 1 Corinthians because you thought it might be too complicated to understand, then please won't you join me in studying it? We'll look at God's Word together, step by step, verse by verse, taking into account the context, and you will find those "tough" subjects unfolding before you.
Every book of the Bible we study becomes a treasure for us, yet there are some that stand out as even more precious because of the way God has used them in our lives--2 Corinthians has long been such a book for me. Each time I go back to it, I find fresh treasures! Even this morning, as I read it, I found new gems to gaze upon. I hope you'll be as blessed by this short look at 2 Corinthians. There is more in the book than this little Bible study delves into!
From the doctrinal heights of our inheritance “in Christ” to instructions in how to live to the glory of God, Ephesians is a “must study” for every believer. Treasures lay waiting for you to unearth in this study.
The Thessalonian believers remain an example of love, faithfulness, and zeal for the Lord Jesus to this day. Studying this epistle will enrich your own walk with the Lord, while stirring your heart for the Lord's soon return. This inductive Bible study contains 17 lessons full of encouragement for your life today.
The second letter to the Thessalonians brims with encouragement and instruction. If you're trying to persevere in trials, this book is for you! If you've ever wondered about the end times events, this book is for you! If you're wanting practical life encouragement, then this book is for you! Grab your Bible, a cup of tea, and enjoy this 10 week study in 2 Thessalonians.
The book of Titus contains only 3 short chapters. You would think a study on it would be short, yet this 22 week study in this nutrient dense epistle still leaves many gems below the surface! Don't miss out on the opportunity to study this life-changing, soul-transforming book! Click on the button or picture to get started! From there you can save the PDF document to your computer or print out the study right away. May the Lord richly bless you as you study!
I love every book I study, but some have left an indelible mark upon my heart--and Hebrews is one of them. For a number of years I felt this book was too complicated, too difficult to tackle, but God kept turning my heart toward the book to study it. With much trepidation, I began to work on it and discovered the treasures waiting for each one of us within its chapters. A clearer, sweeter picture of Jesus waits for you; insights into the Old Testament, growth and encouragement for daily life--all wait for you here in this study!
If you studied Hebrews Part 1, then I know you are itching to dive into the final chapters of this treasure of a book! Foundational truths to deepen your faith lay waiting for you in these chapters.
The book of James provides with timeless counsel from God’s Word for issues we deal with today! If you’ve been hungry for a “tell it like it is” book to study, then look no more. James, the half brother of Jesus, teaches very much like his older brother. This book calls us to examine our hearts and lives to see if we are living for the glory of God. You’ll also gain growing skill in observation and checking the context to gain insight into James’ comments. This book is incredibly exciting to study and provides us with rich treasures to glean and apply in our lives.
Don't wait a minute longer to dive into this rich book! You will find help and hope for life's often difficult days in this loving letter from the Apostle Peter. There are 20 lessons to feed your soul.
This 9 week study in Peter's second letter is packed full of "everything we need for life and godliness." Timely, timeless, and intent, Peter seeks to stir up our hearts to live wisely and well.
This short study delves into the letters written to seven very real churches that existed in Asia Minor during the times of the early church. Each church receives specific words of commendation, exhortation, or rebuke from Jesus Himself. In an age when our churches seem to be losing their spiritual moorings, we learn in these letters the things that matter most to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.