
I’m so excited to post this study on the book of Ephesians! I wrote and taught this study in 2006, but wanted to update the formatting before posting it. I worked on it throughout the summer and had such an enjoyable time revisiting this life-changing book! For the first time ever, I’m also making available a “Teacher’s Guide” for you to use as you lead a study or feel the need to “check your answers.”

Click on the button below to open up a PDF document you can print out right away or download to save to your computer for future use. On the PDF document, if you hover your cursor towards the bottom of the screen you’ll see some “controls” pop up with icons to click to make the document smaller or larger, send to printer, or save to your computer.

Another week. Another study.

Another opportunity to dive into God’s Word to know Him better.

The Weekly Bible Study: Tackling the Book One Lesson at a Time