1 Corinthians, Part 2 (Chapters 9-16)

Picking up where we left off in our study of 1 Corinthians Part 1, Part 2 promises to challenge and enrich our walks with the Lord. We'll be dealing with the "tough" subjects of spiritual gifts, speaking in tongues, women leading in church, the events of the Rapture, and more! If you've stayed away from parts of 1 Corinthians because you thought it might be too complicated to understand, then please won't you join me in studying it? We'll look at God's Word together, step by step, verse by verse, taking into account the context, and you will find those "tough" subjects unfolding before you. 

Just click the button below to get started in this helpful for today's church book! 

Another week. Another study.

Another opportunity to dive into God’s Word to know Him better.

The Weekly Bible Study: Tackling the Book One Lesson at a Time