“Study hard, for the well [of God’s Word] is deep, and our brains shallow.”
“Philip was a searcher after Christ in the place where Christ loves to be—in the pages of Scripture—and you must be the same if you desire to find Jesus!”
Weekly Bible Study
Each Monday morning I'll be posting a new Bible study for you to print out and use.
Though I try to edit my lessons carefully, things still slip by me. If you notice misspellings, punctuation errors, wrong verse references, or just have trouble with an awkwardly phrased question, please email me to let me know. I appreciate your help--and need it! Just click on the button below. Thanks so much!
If you want to "share" any of the links on Facebook, Twitter, or Linked In just click on the share button at the bottom of each post. You'll see a pull-down menu that will allow you to easily share things on your social media. If you'd like to "pin" something on your Pinterest board look for the "Pin It" button that will appear on each Bible study picture when you hover over it with your cursor. Use your social media to encourage other women to study the Bible with you!
17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #15
/Some of the more practical aspects of Christian living are discussed in this week's lesson. You will find much food to nourish your soul. Quick! Grab your tea, your Bible, and this week's lesson and tuck yourself away in a quiet corner somewhere to meet with the Lord. Click on the picture below to find the link for downloading this lesson or printing it out. Enjoy!
17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #9
/Well, you're about halfway through the book of 1 Thessalonians. How are you doing? Have you been able to keep up with the lessons? And more importantly, is the Word of God doing it's work on your heart? Are you thinking more about the Scriptures and actively applying them?
Click on the picture below to print out this week's lesson.
17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #8
/In this week's lesson you'll be tackling the overview of Chapter 3. These lessons are invaluable in studying the overall book. Take the time to think and review what God has for you in this chapter.
Click on the picture below where a new page will open up with a link to this week's lesson. You can download it to your computer or print it out and get started!
17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #2
/The primary goal of this week's lesson is observation. It's amazing how this simple Bible study skill can yield such great results. Taking the time to "observe" the chapter and really see it's structure and contents helps us handle God's Word accurately. It builds a reverence for the Scriptures and gives us confidence as we study. I hope you'll grow to love this process as much as I do! Prayerfully seek the Lord's help as you do!
17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #1
/Every book of the Bible turns out to be our favorite when we dig into God's Word. The first letter to the Thessalonians is no exception. This church was near and dear to Paul's heart and it comes through in every verse. He loved these dear believers! Learn how to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord the way the Thessalonians did. Ask the Lord to help you faithfully complete the whole series. Maybe encourage a friend to do the studies with you.
Click on the picture to download or print out your first lesson in this series.