“Study hard, for the well [of God’s Word] is deep, and our brains shallow.”
“Philip was a searcher after Christ in the place where Christ loves to be—in the pages of Scripture—and you must be the same if you desire to find Jesus!”
Weekly Bible Study
Each Monday morning I'll be posting a new Bible study for you to print out and use.
Though I try to edit my lessons carefully, things still slip by me. If you notice misspellings, punctuation errors, wrong verse references, or just have trouble with an awkwardly phrased question, please email me to let me know. I appreciate your help--and need it! Just click on the button below. Thanks so much!
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17 Week Study in 1 Thessalonians, Lesson #15
/Some of the more practical aspects of Christian living are discussed in this week's lesson. You will find much food to nourish your soul. Quick! Grab your tea, your Bible, and this week's lesson and tuck yourself away in a quiet corner somewhere to meet with the Lord. Click on the picture below to find the link for downloading this lesson or printing it out. Enjoy!
17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #12
/There's so much application in this lesson! Paul incisively deals with the issues of true repentance and the need for reconciliation. Take some time right now to ask the Lord to deal with any issues in your own heart you may need to repent of. Consider too that you might need to make things right with someone and go to them today.
Click on the picture to quickly download the lesson or simply print it out. If you're enjoying these lessons, tell a friend or "share" it by clicking on the share button at the end of this post. Thanks!
17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #11
/"For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that One died for all therefore all died, and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who rose and died on their behalf." This week's lesson contains my life verse, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. Read the chapter carefully, noting the transitions, and how Paul relates each new concept to what he has already discussed. Blessed thoughts are contained here!
Click on the picture to get started on this week's lesson. You'll be able to easily download the lesson to your computer or simply print it out right away. God bless you as you work through these verses!
17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #10
/Our thoughts are drawn upward as Paul explains how the hope of heaven motivates his earthly ministry. We'll also learn about the judgment seat of Christ and what that means for believers. You won't want to miss this lesson!
Click on the picture to download or directly print out this lesson. So glad you're spending time with the Lord in His Word! What are you learning?
17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #9
/Don't miss this exciting lesson as Paul explains why he doesn't lose heart! So much practical application for our own lives. Grab a friend and study God's Word today!
Click on the picture to download or print out this lesson. Be sure to click on the share button below if you like these lessons. Thanks!
17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #8
/Paul writes about his desire to give God glory in all that he does. It's a great opportunity for us to consider our own lives--"Am I doing all for God's glory?" Ask the Lord to powerfully meet with you as you study His Word.
Click on the picture to download or print out this lesson. Try to share with someone else the things you're learning from God's Word. If you like these studies, click on the "share" button below to share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Linked In. Thanks!
6 Week Inductive Study of the Book of Ruth, Lesson 6
/We've come to the final lesson in our short study of the book of Ruth. Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz had no way of knowing how God would use them to shape future events that He had planned. They were just living their lives and trying to be faithful to the God they loved and followed. We too have no way of knowing the significance of our lives or how God may use them for His purposes. How can Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz be an example to us of faithfulness, trusting God, and doing what is right without knowing the big picture for our lives?
Click on the Bible study to the right to download or print out this week's lesson. Check back next week to see what else I have in store for you!
Lamentations 3:1-38 Part 1 Bible Study
/For the next several weeks I'll be posting a Bible study lesson from Lamentations 3:1-38. Click on the Bible study picture that you can download or print out. Use it to deepen your study of the Word during your quiet time or get together with a friend or two and study the Scriptures together. This little 4 week study was written to help a friend overcome discouragement at some of the circumstances in her life. This section of the Scriptures reminds us of God's great loving care in every detail of our lives. Take some time to spend with the Lord today in this soul-strengthening passage.