6 Week Inductive Study of the Book of Ruth, Lesson 6

We've come to the final lesson in our short study of the book of Ruth. Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz had no way of knowing how God would use them to shape future events that He had planned. They were just living their lives and trying to be faithful to the God they loved and followed. We too have no way of knowing the significance of our lives or how God may use them for His purposes. How can Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz be an example to us of faithfulness, trusting God, and doing what is right without knowing the big picture for our lives?

Click on the Bible study to the right to download or print out this week's lesson. Check back next week to see what else I have in store for you!

6 Week Inductive Study of the Book of Ruth, Lesson 2

Click on the Bible study to the right to download or print out this week's lesson on the book of Ruth! This week's lesson is primarily an overview lesson, which is an important, though often overlooked part of Bible study. Taking the time to understand a book and how it's laid out ensures that we'll accurately handle the Scriptures (2 Timothy 2:15).

As you study, try to summarize what you're learning and then share it with a friend. This little step of summing up what you're learning really helps to cement the truths and lessons God is teaching you. 

Lamentations 3:1-38 Part 1 Bible Study

For the next several weeks I'll be posting a Bible study lesson from Lamentations 3:1-38. Click on the Bible study picture that you can download or print out. Use it to deepen your study of the Word during your quiet time or get together with a friend or two and study the Scriptures together. This little 4 week study was written to help a friend overcome discouragement at some of the circumstances in her life. This section of the Scriptures reminds us of God's great loving care in every detail of our lives. Take some time to spend with the Lord today in this soul-strengthening passage.