17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #9

Don't miss this exciting lesson as Paul explains why he doesn't lose heart! So much practical application for our own lives. Grab a friend and study God's Word today!

Click on the picture to download or print out this lesson. Be sure to click on the share button below if you like these lessons. Thanks!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #8

Paul writes about his desire to give God glory in all that he does. It's a great opportunity for us to consider our own lives--"Am I doing all for God's glory?" Ask the Lord to powerfully meet with you as you study His Word.

Click on the picture to download or print out this lesson. Try to share with someone else the things you're learning from God's Word. If you like these studies, click on the "share" button below to share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Linked In. Thanks!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #7

Oh, you're going to love this lesson! Get ready to learn about the life-transforming work of the Holy Spirit when we come to know the Lord. Take time to pray and seek the Lord as you begin this lesson.

Click on the picture to download or print out this lesson. What are you learning?

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #5

Click on the picture to download or print out your next lesson from 2 Corinthians. There's so much in these verses! You'll learn about being a fragrance of Christ and finding your adequacy in Christ. Don't miss it! Grab and friend and start studying together!

17 Week Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #4

Paul writes with much anguish of heart about a church discipline situation. His desire to see the Corinthian church do what is right in this situation reflects God's desire for us as well. You won't want to miss this important lesson. Grab your Bible and prepare to meet with the Lord!

Click on the picture to download or print out this week's lesson. 

17 Week Inductive Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #3

Integrity. Faithfulness. Love for Others. We'll be studying those topics in this week's lesson. Grab your Bible and prepare to meet with the Lord!

Click on the picture to print out or download this week's lesson. Encourage a friend to join you in the study!

17 Week Inductive Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson #2

This week's lesson tackles Chapter 1 where you'll study about the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our affliction. Take time this week to jump into God's Word. The more you study the more you want to study His Word! You won't be sorry you did. 

Click on the picture to download or print out this week's lesson. Make yourself a cup of tea and meet with the Lord! Have fun!

17 Week Inductive Study in 2 Corinthians, Lesson 1

I'm so excited to introduce you to 2 Corinthians! This deeply personal letter from Paul to the Corinthians contains rich treasures for your life today! Gather a group of friends and get started digging in to God's living and active Word. 

I first wrote this study in the late 1990's, rewrote it in 2000, and then reformatted and updated its look in 2015, yet the lessons and truths I gained from studying are still dear to my heart. I know if you embark on this journey the Lord will bless and strengthen your soul.

Click on the picture to print out or download the first lesson today!

Lamentations 3:1-38 Part 1 Bible Study

For the next several weeks I'll be posting a Bible study lesson from Lamentations 3:1-38. Click on the Bible study picture that you can download or print out. Use it to deepen your study of the Word during your quiet time or get together with a friend or two and study the Scriptures together. This little 4 week study was written to help a friend overcome discouragement at some of the circumstances in her life. This section of the Scriptures reminds us of God's great loving care in every detail of our lives. Take some time to spend with the Lord today in this soul-strengthening passage.