“Study hard, for the well [of God’s Word] is deep, and our brains shallow.”
“Philip was a searcher after Christ in the place where Christ loves to be—in the pages of Scripture—and you must be the same if you desire to find Jesus!”
Weekly Bible Study
Each Monday morning I'll be posting a new Bible study for you to print out and use.
Though I try to edit my lessons carefully, things still slip by me. If you notice misspellings, punctuation errors, wrong verse references, or just have trouble with an awkwardly phrased question, please email me to let me know. I appreciate your help--and need it! Just click on the button below. Thanks so much!
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10 Week Study in 2 Thessalonians, Lesson #8
/The exhortations and encouragement in Chapter 3 challenge us to live more faithfully and fully in obedience to the Lord. This chapter is full of practical, every day helps for us today. May the Lord grant you much grace in studying His Word. Click on the picture to download the lesson to your computer or just print it out right now!
10 Week Study in 2 Thessalonians, Lesson #5
/Get ready for some fun! Chapter 2 is chock full of things we don't often get to study, especially in a women's Bible study! Encouragement and strength for our hearts comes when we study the Lord so that it will be said of us, as it was said of that most excellent woman, "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future (Proverbs 31:25)." Click on the picture to download this lesson or print it out immediately and get started.
10 Week Study in 2 Thessalonians, Lesson #4
/Oh, there are sweet truths here! You will love what you learn about the Lord, affliction, and how God intends to make all things right in the end. Grab your bible, a cup of tea, and sit down to study this helpful word from the Lord. Click on the picture to download the lesson to your computer or just print it out right now.
10 Week Study in 2 Thessalonians, Lesson #2
/This week you'll look more closely at Chapter 1 of 2 Thessalonians. Remember that the goal of this lesson is to gain a better view of the whole chapter before we start digging into it next week. Our lessons that include observation of the text are crucial in helping us study God's Word accurately. Take the time to think through and pray over this lesson, asking the Lord for insight as to what He intended us to learn about Him. Enjoy!
Click on the picture to download the lesson to your computer or just print it out right now. Either way works and you're on your way to time with the Lord!
10 Week Study in 2 Thessalonians, Lesson #1
/This short letter to the beleaguered believers at Thessalonica provides us today with much encouragement. The letter deals with issues every believer grapples with, and must come to terms with in their walk. Paul doesn't shy away from teaching them about God's very righteous judgment of unbelievers, the Day of the Lord, and how believers should live in light of our Lord's soon return. You won't want to miss this timely study in this letter to the Thessalonians!