Praising the Lord Letter by Letter: For Prayer Times that Engage, Edify, and Exalt the Lord

Prayer Alphabet Attributes.jpg

One of my favorite prayer prompts is to simply to go through the alphabet searching for words that I can then turn into an anthem of praise to the Lord. I often do this while I’m walking the loop around the block from our house. It usually takes the whole 15-20 minutes for me to work through my mental list, but it never fails to encourage my heart as I review the Lord’s attributes and gracious ways.

Here’s an example of how you might get started. Start with “always,” praying about the ways you see the Lord “always” working, rescuing, saving, and so on. Then move on to the next word, creatively finding new ways to praise and honor the Lord. Come up with your own list of words and watch to see how actively your mind searches for words to describe the Lord.

A — Always, Almighty, Adoration, Ark of Safety

B — Beautiful, Bountiful, Building

C — Christ, Our Messiah, Choosing, Church

D — Devoted, Dedicated, Dead

E — Exalted, Eager, Exhilarated, Every, Each

F — Father, Faithful, Fearsome

G — Grand, Glorious, Great, Good, Generous

H — Holy, High, Honored

I — Intentional, Insight, Incline

J — Just, Justifier, Jesus

K — King, Keep, Kneel, Knit, Knew

L — Love, Long, Lowly, Light, Lamp

M — Many, Mighty, Mercies, Mourning, Morning

N — New, Night, Now, Notice

O — Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Only, One

P — Present, Providing, Providence, Pour

Q — Quiet, Quit, Quilt

R — Rescue, Run, Rain, Righteous, Redeemer

S — Sovereign, Sanctifier, Son, Savior

T — Truth, Trust, Train, Throne

U — Unfailing, Unceasing, Until, Under

V — Vain, Veil, Verity

W — Water, Wander, Wait, Wonder

X — X-Ray, Exhume, Exhaust

Y — You, Yours, Youth, Yearly

Z — Zeal, Zero, Zenith