Book Review: "The Pursuit of God" by A. W. Tozer

Before there was John Piper urging this generation to delight in God, there was A. W. Tozer. Tozer wrote The Pursuit of God in 1949 yet this work remains timeless in its purpose, which as Tozer put it, “is a modest attempt to aid God’s hungry children so to find Him.”

Are you hungry for more of God? Do you long for a deeper and more intimate relationship with your Savior? Then you will find a sympathetic and helpful friend in Tozer. Tozer teaches us, reminds us, wins and woos us to a soul-satisfying, deeply respectful friendship with God Himself. Tozer could never be accused of elevating emotionalism and experientialism at the expense of doctrine and faithful biblical exposition for he reverently lifts up the Scriptures as the means to know the Lord more deeply. Tozer himself wrote The Pursuit of God to combat the trends of his day that elevated Bible study almost as an end in itself rather than the answer to knowing the Lord more deeply and fully. 

Even the chapter titles hint at the refreshing green pastures that await for anyone who forages here—“Following Hard After God,” “Removing the Veil,” “The Gaze of the Soul” to name a few. Yet I must warn you, there’s nothing new here. There’s no secret handshake. Tozer isn’t revealing some long held secret to the Christian life that only he has discovered; no, he simply showcases the Lord Himself as the Word unveils Him and eloquently urges us seek Him.

Tozer wrote, “With the veil removed by the rending of Jesus’ flesh, with nothing on God’s side to prevent us from entering, why do we tarry without? Why do we consent to abide all our days just outside the Holy of Holies and never enter at all to look upon God?” That is the question, isn’t it? Why do we loiter just outside of the Lord’s presence, content to live near Him rather than really know Him? The Pursuit of God pushes us toward the tent so that we will enter in.