Jesus’ Remedy for Joy on the Tough Days

Jesus’ Remedy for Joy on the Tough Days

In John 15:11, Jesus told His followers, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Jesus desired to prepare His followers for the distresses and suffering they would soon experience, yet preparation wasn’t His goal—joy was.

Jesus teaches us that we can live joyfully in the midst of trial, uncertainty, sorrow, even persecution, if we think rightly. If we aren’t careful to monitor our thoughts or fill our minds with the truths of Scripture, we will not find the joy that Jesus desires us to have.

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The Lovey Letters: When Pecking at God's Word Can Be a Good Thing

The Lovey Letters: When Pecking at God's Word Can Be a Good Thing

Now you might think that pecking at God’s Word sounds a bit flighty, but if we’re going to stick with our chicken coop theme, then it’s helpful to know that chickens are actually quite persistent, passionate, purposeful, and personally committed in their search for food. May we be equally so in searching for the all sustaining Word “that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

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