Christmas themed devotions to “tune your heart to sing His praise.”
Band-aid solutions aside, the Hallmark Christmas movies do have one thing absolutely right. Love can be found at Christmas. In fact, Christmas is the first place God wants us to look when it comes to understanding His love for us. It’s at Christmas that God’s love is put on display in a real and tangible way so we can grasp it and be transformed by it. God intended from the very beginning that we see the connection between His love for us and Jesus coming to earth to be born as a baby.
2020! What a year! And truly, I mean it in the best way because for each of us the year contained everything we needed for our growth in grace, but oh my, didn’t you find that your heart was tested at times? I know I did! For Jack and me, our theme verse for the year has been 1 Samuel 3:18, when Eli humbly comments on God’s unfolding and uncomfortable (which is an understatement) plan for his life, “It is the Lord; let Him do what seems good to Him.” Every detail, every event, every difficulty and trial comes to us designed and determined by God for our good and His glory.
As this year draws to a close, consider how you’ve lived it. Is it possible that you started this year well by faithfully reading your bible, praying, and relying upon the Lord, but as the Christmas season has drawn closer you have found yourself slacking off in those areas? Learn the lessons from 2 Chronicles and finish well.
As believers, we live where the bald truth of a number can feel more real than the promises of God and the life of faith we are supposed to live. So, how do we counteract the fearful power of those numbers that sap our strength and place weights upon our faith?
The final advent candle of Christmas represents love. How fitting to spend the last few days before Christmas thinking on “the wonders of His love” as the hymn, “Joy to the World” puts it. I think most people get the fact that Jesus’ birth is a huge proclamation of God’s love. We’re told this in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” God loved the world, and specifically the people that He created, so He gave His Son, His only Son, as a sacrifice offered up in substitution for our sins.
You might be struggling for joy because of trying circumstances and great sorrows, yet joy is possible. Good news leads to great joy when we remember the hope and exhilaration that forgiveness of all our sins, fellowship with the Eternal God, and the hope of heaven can bring. Joy isn’t out of reach. Joy just needs to be uncovered so it can be recovered.
Having our hearts prepare Him room means doing special things to honor Jesus. Your special offering might be setting aside an evening for quiet worship, even when you have a pile of laundry waiting for you. We do things differently when we have special guests with us, so why shouldn’t we try doing things differently for the Christmas season and prepare Him room?
The hope given to us because of that little baby born in Bethlehem draws our eyes away from the tinsel and turkey, gifts and gatherings to the fulfilled promise of a Savior who rescues us from despair, isolation, and the hopelessness of sin.