The Lovey Letters: Peace in the Midst of Distress

The Lovey Letters: Peace in the Midst of Distress

Our faith is strengthened and built up when we reflect upon the Lord, His character, and His life-changing Word—and don’t we need it! Someone commented that “2020” will become synonymous with “crazy.” I agree! Our world is seriously “2020” right now! Never could we have predicted the events that have unfolded in these last months—from the lockdowns to the riots and all the in-between. If we aren’t immersing ourselves in the Word of God, we will flounder in the midst of these unfamiliar, bewildering, and discouraging times.

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He Will Not Reject Forever

He Will Not Reject Forever

O, tried and tempest-tossed one, hear these words, “The Lord will not reject forever.” Think upon the reality of those words. Your present circumstances will not last forever. Even if they last the rest of your days on this earth, they will not last forever. For each believer “forever” holds special import. Forever means life with Jesus. Forever means seeing His dear face. Forever means no more sin, no more sorrow, no more pain. Ah, let us think on forever.

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The Lord Has Not Forsaken You

The Lord Has Not Forsaken You

It’s the way of things—to trust God because He is so very faithful and loving and kind. Such an obvious truth, and yet there’s a reason that verse has been underlined and highlighted and prayed through and cried over in my Bible. Sometimes it’s just plain hard to trust the Lord—even when we know Him, really know Him; even when we have trusted Him in the past; even when we believe His Word and His promises. Even then, there are times when every believer comes face to face with these truths and cries out like the desperate father in Mark 9:24, “I do believe; help my unbelief!”

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