Yes, Please Sign Up for Bible Study! How you Benefit from Regular, Weekly Time Studying God’s Word

Yes, Please Sign Up for Bible Study! How you Benefit from Regular, Weekly Time Studying God’s Word

Oh friends! Don’t miss out! Get involved in your local church’s Bible study. And if your church doesn’t have one, print out one of my studies, try it out, and then take a group through it. Don’t settle for reading about someone else’s study, study God’s Word yourself. You’ll be hooked! But more importantly, you’ll be changed as you behold the Lord’s glory through His Word (2 Corinthians 3:18)!

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How Not to Get the Most out of Bible Study in 10 Easy Steps

How Not to Get the Most out of Bible Study in 10 Easy Steps

How not to get the most out of Bible study—really? What a topic! Sometimes we don’t mean to undercut our commitment to going to Bible study, but we end up doing it anyway. What are some ways we hinder our own blessing in studying God’s Word and attending Bible study?

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Longing for my Father's Home

Longing for my Father's Home

I love going to my father’s home. As I turn down the long drive to his log cabin out in the country, it’s like my heart sighs with contentment. His home is a place of rest and comfort for me. Jesus loved His Father’s house too. Can you imagine the longing He must have felt to be in His Father’s home while He lived as the sinless One in a world of sin? Oh, how He must have anticipated that day when He would go to His Father’s house once again!

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Do You Long to Know God Loves You? Look No Further Than Christmas

Do You Long to Know God Loves You? Look No Further Than Christmas

Band-aid solutions aside, the Hallmark Christmas movies do have one thing absolutely right. Love can be found at Christmas. In fact, Christmas is the first place God wants us to look when it comes to understanding His love for us. It’s at Christmas that God’s love is put on display in a real and tangible way so we can grasp it and be transformed by it. God intended from the very beginning that we see the connection between His love for us and Jesus coming to earth to be born as a baby.

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Finding Blessing in the Unwanted and Unwelcome

Finding Blessing in the Unwanted and Unwelcome

I wrote a whole book about giving God glory when life and circumstances take an unexpected turn. I was at the crossroads of decision and response—Would I trust the Lord’s goodness and wisdom? Or would I turn inward, focusing on myself, giving way to self-pity and pessimism? The second choice just didn’t seem like the best option, which left me with choosing to trust the Lord’s goodness and wisdom. But how to get there?

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What If Your Pastor is Thrown in Jail?

What If Your Pastor is Thrown in Jail?

Losing a pastor to confinement for a short time or even longer has profound consequences for a congregation. Yet a faithful pastor’s biblical preparation can help his flock respond with sound wisdom and grace-filled faith in unexpected and fearful circumstances. Thankfully, whether our churches are large or small, whether we’ve had much teaching or only a little, God has given us everything we need in His Word to “keep calm and carry on” in a God-honoring way in difficult and trying circumstances.

If your pastor is thrown in jail, what should you do?

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What to Do When the End of the World is at Hand

What to Do When the End of the World is at Hand

What would you do if you knew today would be your last day? It’s important for us to understand that faithfulness and obedience to God’s Word matters, all the way up to the last moment we live and breathe on earth. We are indeed living in the last days (James 5:8; 1 John 2:18), as all believers have done since the New Testament era began after Jesus’ death. The Bible also tells us that as the day of Christ’s return draws near, life will grow increasingly more difficult, especially for believers, as the world the world grows more openly hateful of God and His people (2 Timothy 3:1). Yet, we can gain courage by searching the Scriptures for God’s focused, narrowed down, “do the most important stuff” instruction for living well to the very end.

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Christmas Greetings 2020

Christmas Greetings 2020

2020! What a year! And truly, I mean it in the best way because for each of us the year contained everything we needed for our growth in grace, but oh my, didn’t you find that your heart was tested at times? I know I did! For Jack and me, our theme verse for the year has been 1 Samuel 3:18, when Eli humbly comments on God’s unfolding and uncomfortable (which is an understatement) plan for his life, “It is the Lord; let Him do what seems good to Him.” Every detail, every event, every difficulty and trial comes to us designed and determined by God for our good and His glory.

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A 2 Chronicles Christmas Lesson

A 2 Chronicles Christmas Lesson

As this year draws to a close, consider how you’ve lived it. Is it possible that you started this year well by faithfully reading your bible, praying, and relying upon the Lord, but as the Christmas season has drawn closer you have found yourself slacking off in those areas? Learn the lessons from 2 Chronicles and finish well.

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God Deems Quiet Times an Essential Business!

God Deems Quiet Times an Essential Business!

At its essence, a quiet time is the private time you spend with your Savior, talking with Him in prayer, and hearing from Him through His Word. The time you spend with the Lord each day is essential to your spiritual health and growth. No Christian can maintain spiritual health and vitality or grow in grace, knowledge, and understanding if they omit time with the Lord. It is not even possible.

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Jesus’ Remedy for Joy on the Tough Days

Jesus’ Remedy for Joy on the Tough Days

In John 15:11, Jesus told His followers, “These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” Jesus desired to prepare His followers for the distresses and suffering they would soon experience, yet preparation wasn’t His goal—joy was.

Jesus teaches us that we can live joyfully in the midst of trial, uncertainty, sorrow, even persecution, if we think rightly. If we aren’t careful to monitor our thoughts or fill our minds with the truths of Scripture, we will not find the joy that Jesus desires us to have.

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5 Ways to Prepare for Uncertainty

5 Ways to Prepare for Uncertainty

One passage that provides essential training for our hearts and minds is 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. The soul-strengthening truths it contains, prepare us for any contingency that may unfold in the midst of the upheaval and distresses going on around us. Our text is basically a string of commands that provide 5 ways for us to prepare for uncertainty and difficulties, so we’ll respond in a God-glorifying way.

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3 Simple Things to Know When Studying the Old Testament

3 Simple Things to Know When Studying the Old Testament

Studying the Old Testament doesn’t have to be a confusing or daunting task. In fact, the more we study the Old Testament, the greater our understanding will be of the New Testament’s teachings. God’s patience, love, and compassion are put on display over and over again in the books of the Old Testament. Because God doesn’t change in His character, purposes, or ways, then the things we learn about Him in the Old Testament are also true of Him in the pages of the New Testament.

When it comes to studying the Old Testament, remembering the following 3 areas will greatly help your understanding and provide clarity as you study.

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The Lovey Letters: Peace in the Midst of Distress

The Lovey Letters: Peace in the Midst of Distress

Our faith is strengthened and built up when we reflect upon the Lord, His character, and His life-changing Word—and don’t we need it! Someone commented that “2020” will become synonymous with “crazy.” I agree! Our world is seriously “2020” right now! Never could we have predicted the events that have unfolded in these last months—from the lockdowns to the riots and all the in-between. If we aren’t immersing ourselves in the Word of God, we will flounder in the midst of these unfamiliar, bewildering, and discouraging times.

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The One Thing You Need Every Day

The One Thing You Need Every Day

In Luke 10:38-42, we happen upon Martha in the midst of a meltdown. The friction from the “must-do-this-and-this-and-this-to-be-a-good-hostess” details in her head appear to have reached their boiling point. Thankfully, God’s Word cools off our fevered brains. Jesus opens a window of truth to allow a refreshing breeze to blow through a stifling hot kitchen. As our sweet Martha hears those soul-calming words from the Word of God Himself, she gains some perspective. Let’s see what we can learn from Martha’s story, because like it or not, we all find ourselves in the midst of those “Martha, Martha, fever brain” days every once in a while.

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How to Easily Share the Gospel

How to Easily Share the Gospel

Sometimes, it can feel daunting to think about how to talk to someone about their need for salvation. We can get stalled out wondering, “Where should I start? What should I say? What Bible verses should I use?” I like to keep things simple—and easy to find and remember, especially when I’m talking with someone about God’s plan of salvation. Showing them from the Bible what God says, so they can look it up again later, lays the foundation that the Scriptures are our “go-to” for the Christian life. 

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The Lovey Letters: Christian Liberties and Loving Each Other Well

The Lovey Letters: Christian Liberties and Loving Each Other Well

Pecking is natural for chickens, yet when chickens begin to peck at each other, it reveals something is wrong. The same can be said for us, which is why I want to encourage you to guard against pecking at each other during this strange season of quarantine life, specifically regarding the way fellow peeps exercise their freedoms according to the Scriptures. If ever there was an opportunity to love each other well, it's now!

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Praying Through Your Calendar: For Prayer Times that Engage, Edify, and Exalt the Lord

Praying Through Your Calendar: For Prayer Times that Engage, Edify, and Exalt the Lord

One of the easiest prayer prompts I use to enliven my prayer time involves the alphabet and a calendar. The goal in coming up with these ideas is not to make things complicated, but to make my time with the Lord a welcome treat, so that prayer is relished.

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Three Scriptures You Need for Walking with God

Three Scriptures You Need for Walking with God

To walk with God during the day, all day, every day means being right with Him. Fellowship with God is interrupted when we sin. If I want to walk with the Lord all day long then what do I need to know so I can do that well? Three verses contain what we need to know and apply to live closely with the Lord.

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How to Grow as a Christian

How to Grow as a Christian

Did you know that it’s natural and expected that we grow as Christians? When we repent and place our faith in Jesus, we are born again—new babies in the Lord. We would never expect or want babies to stay babies their whole lives, but often people don’t realize God wants every one of His children to grow from babyhood into mature adulthood. God, being the perfect Father, provides everything we need to grow from baby believers into strong, steadfast believers.

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